TeleHealth Solution Promotional Video

TeleHealth Solution Promotional Video: Animated Video Elevates Sales Enablement and Demand Gen


TeleHealth Solution is the leading clinical provider of 24/7/365 expert medical care using digital telemedicine for post-acute facilities. These include skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and continuing care retirement communities.

TeleHealth Solution’s digital medicine platform enables their medical team to respond within minutes to ensure all patients receive prompt, reliable, and predictable access to high-quality medical care.


Produce Sales Enablement Video to Differentiate From New Competitors

TeleHealth Solution has grown quickly since its founding in 2016, partnering with post-acute care facilities and hospitals across the U.S.

In 2020, the COVID pandemic suddenly pushed telehealth into mainstream medical care in a huge way. As a young company facing even newer competitors, TeleHealth Solution wanted to expand their demand generation and sales enablement efforts with a brief, professionally produced video to promote their post-acute care services.

Even more, they wanted to differentiate themselves from other telemedicine providers as one who not only understands the technology of telemedicine, but also has a specialist network of highly qualified healthcare providers who put patient care first.

Lightspeed previously had partnered with TeleHealth Solution to produce a three-page industry report on the ROI and patient care aspects of telehealth. A script for a brief video would need to crystallize their messaging much further to quickly and clearly tell the story of their digital doorway platform.

Their story would need to cover:

  • the healthcare problem their solution solves
  • what to consider when evaluating a digital medicine platform to avoid the issues of other solutions
  • the core differentiators of TeleHealth Solution


Animation, Video Modules Combine to Help Lead Prospects Through Sales Cycle

First, we focused on the storytelling. Lightspeed partnered with TeleHealth Solution to develop succinct key messages and wove them into a script about putting patient care first.

Next, our Creative team built upon elements of the client’s visual brand, including to create a fully animated story, which humanizes the difficulties of post-acute care faced by patients, medical teams, and caregivers.

“You don’t have to use actual people in a video to humanize the story,” says Rob Johnson, Lightspeed Managing Director. “Using animation, we were able to simplify a complicated topic while reducing the amount of text and voiceover details required. You see the post-acute care environment in the video and can relate to the nurse or caretaker struggling with all the technology devices.”

With the script and creative elements in place for an almost three and a half minute video, we were proud to team with Drawbridge Media to produce it. We designed the content to break cleanly into two shorter modules from the longer version:

  • An educational, sales enablement video about the challenges of post-acute care, and the top three features to consider when choosing a digital medicine platform vendor (Length 1:39)
  • A promotional video highlighting the core differentiators and benefits of choosing TeleHealth Solution (Length 1:59)

Dividing the longer video into two gave the client the flexibility to target different points of the sales cycle, as they help prospects make their decisions about technologies and patient care.


Flexible Sales Enablement Videos Help Client Grow in Competitive Market

Each of the three video versions conclude by pushing prospects to a landing page Lightspeed created to pull in new contacts as leads for the client’s sales team.

TeleHealth Solution features the video in combination with a Lightspeed-produced telehealth industry report on their website. They also can gain more visibility with the video on their social media platforms.

The educational vs. promotional versions give the client’s sales reps options for a more targeted approach when sharing with potential new customers.

“As telemedicine has become even more in demand, TeleHealth Solution has seen new competitors enter the market,” says Erin Huckaba, Lightspeed Creative Director. “By building on our client’s existing brand visual elements, and combining those with a compelling narrative, we’ve provided a valuable sales enablement tool to increase their competitiveness.”

Ask us about how our professionally produced, award-winning videos can capture your brand’s unique voice, drive more engagement, and generate demand.

At TeleHealth Solution, we’re dedicated to bringing uncompromising care through digital technology to patients who can remain comfortably in the convenience of their nursing facility. Lightspeed delivered an engaging, multi-purpose, three-in-one video to help us propel TeleHealth Solution even further to the forefront of post-acute care.”

– TeleHealth Solution


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