CA Technologies

CA Technologies


CA Technologies is one of the largest independent software corporations in the world. The company creates systems software (and previously applications software) that runs in mainframe, distributed computing, virtual machine and cloud computing environments. Innovation is at the heart of everything CA Technologies does. They promote it from the ground up with their partners being a central focal point of their efforts.


Faced with a partner program featuring many moving parts and slower than anticipated recruitment of new partners, CA Technologies needed to increase awareness and drive interest with their most important go-to-market audience. They wanted a polished communication that would showcase their partner program as one of the strongest in the industry, while simultaneously expounding on the benefits of becoming a partner. CA Technologies wanted a polished promotional piece to recruit new partners and they put their trust in us to do it.


The solution was to produce two easily digestible videos, one focused on promoting the partner program and the other bringing a real partner success story to life.

For the success story, we dusted off our interviewing and onsite production skills. There is an art and a science to interviewing for testimonials. If you don’t come prepared, you could discover during post production that you don’t have all the footage that you need. If you have to go back, it wastes time and money. Drawing on our experience, we were able to successful get the impactful soundbites needed from the partner and complete the project without chewing up our valuable time and resources.

Strategically, we knew that a video of a CA Technologies’ partner talking about the partner program would not drive the results they were looking for. This is where our storytelling and messaging came into play. With the help of the team at Drawbridge Studios, we built out a custom animated video that better illustrated the partner program and presented it in a way that was informative and engaging.

This one-two punch of promotional video paired with video success story provided the right mix to help sell their partner program. It provided a rich, polished communication for the partner marketing team that drew rave reviews from executives and the people in the trenches alike. By acting as the creative arm, an extension of the CA Technologies’ partner marketing team, we produced two videos that are widely used to showcase their partner program, grow interest and drive partner recruitment.

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